1、will remember our relationship and keep a certain distance with you.
2、Do you know you are the light? I embrace I will hurt, but I still don't want to give up you.
3、If fell in love and there is no reason, then do not love, but why always have so many excuses.
4、You mean everything to me. Please say yes.Happy Valentine’sDay, Honey!你是我生命的全部。請說你愿意。情人節快樂,我親愛的。
5、think of you, and I'll write your name in the palm, spread out is miss, hold is happiness.
6、Can have a lot of love at first sight, but forget all my life, as long as once is enough.
7、From the moment you walk into my heart, I'm not going to put you out.
8、like looking at you that sweet smile, instant warm my heart.
9、just love you, don't let go, I in silently, not gorgeous, only sincere.
10、Unconsciously pay attention to his every move, he look at first glance I feel very satisfied.
11、You out of my dreams and into my arms. I can't let you go. Happy valentine's day.
12、If I have super ability, I don't want to save the world, just want to guard you.
13、don't need you how perfect, I just need you can feel, I'm your one and only.
14、You mean everything to me. Please say yes.Happy Valentine’sDay, Honey!你是我生命的'全部,祝福短信大全《七夕情人節英文祝福語短信》。請說你愿意。情人節快樂,我親愛的。
15、To my one and only Valentine: I love you. 獻給我唯一的愛人:我愛你,七夕情人節英文祝福語短信。
16、There is always a person, no matter how many times will hurt you, but is not hate.
18、You mean everything to me. Please say yes.Happy Valentine’sDay, Honey!你是我生命的`全部。請說你愿意。情人節快樂,我親愛的。
19、If every time I think about you, I will get a flower, so my heart is already full of a garden.
20、You are all of my life. please say you will. Happy valentine's day, my dear.
21、You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms. I can’t let you go.HappyValentine’s Day.你走出了我的夢,投入我的懷里。我不能讓你走。情人節快樂。
22、Can't promise you everything will be better, but I promise from now on you don't have to face alone.
23、Only when the two lips kiss the moment, our hearts are together.
24、Others taunt also crashed into the rapids, still can go to pursue this is my freedom.
25、know that at last you can't do it from your mouth said that, but my heart still believe.
26、Even if one day out of the body, I'm still be dead set.
27、injustice that don't consider as what, the most sad is I love you but I can't say that.
29、You don't know when the other people all don't believe in our love, I have experienced much.
30、for you, just a stranger a; For me, you may be the world.
31、think my world will continue to be cold, until you!
33、You never trust me, how can understand my good for you.
34、Ever since I told him good night means I love you, he never said to me good night.
35、If I say I love you, you will not be this sentence I love you.
36、Even if the road ahead of thorns, if you want to come to my also paved with roses for you.
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