The festival is also a time when people decorate their homes with colorful objects like dr~~你喜歡這些短句嗎?節日祝福網的編輯特地為你收集整理“端午節英語文案怎么寫(收藏42條)”,希望對你的工作和生活有所幫助。
1、In Taiwan, people use different types of leaves to wrap their zongzi, such as bamboo leaves and lotus leaves.
3、The holiday is also an important time for people to build and strengthen relationships within their communities.
5、The origins of the Dragon Boat Festival can be traced back to the story of Qu Yuan who tragically committed suicide by drowning in a river.
6、Wishing all of our Chinese friends a happy and healthy Dragon Boat Festival!
7、The tradition of dragon boat racing has spread to other parts of the world and become a popular sport.
8、Qu Yuan is remembered as a great poet and patriot who sacrificed his life for his beliefs.
9、The festival is a time for people to reflect on the sacrifices of their ancestors.
11、The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important holidays in China, celebrated with enthusiasm and pride throughout the country.
12、The Dragon Boat Festival symbolizes the importance of teamwork and unity in achieving a common goal.
13、In the Guangxi region of China, the festival is also known as the "Poison-Avoiding Festival" because it is believed that eating zongzi can protect against poison.
14、The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated in many different ways, but the focus on honoring ancestors, strengthening family bonds, and enjoying traditional foods and activities is a common theme.
16、In addition to zongzi, people also eat other traditional foods during the Dragon Boat Festival, such as salted duck eggs and sticky rice. - 除粽子外,人們還會在端午節期間食用其他傳統美食,如咸鴨蛋和糯米飯。
17、Zongzi, a traditional Chinese food made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves, is the most popular food during the Dragon Boat Festival.
18、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to enjoy traditional Chinese snacks and delicacies.
19、The festival has been celebrated for thousands of years and has evolved and adapted to changing times, while still remaining an important part of Chinese culture.
20、Dragon boat racing is a traditional activity on the Dragon Boat Festival.
21、In some parts of China, people also engage in the practice of drinking realgar wine, which is believed to ward off evil spirits and poisonous creatures.
24、Many people also exchange zongzi with their neighbors as a way of strengthening community ties and friendships.
25、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for families to get together and enjoy each other's company.
26、This festival is a reminder of the values of loyalty, perseverance, and bravery, which Qu Yuan embodied through his life and work.
27、The Dragon Boat Festival has become an important cultural event in many parts of the world, with festivals and dragon boat races organized in many cities around the globe.
29、The festival is also a time for families to gather together and enjoy traditional activities like making sachets and hanging mugwort leaves.
30、The festival is celebrated differently in different parts of China.
31、Other customs include wearing amulets, drinking realgar wine, and eating garlic.
32、The Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the Double Fifth Festival. - 端午節也被稱為重五節。
33、The festival is also known as "Puo San" in Taoism, and people worship Taoist gods during the celebrations.
34、The Dragon Boat Festival honors the legendary patriotic poet Qu Yuan, who drowned himself in the Miluo River to protest against the corruption of the ruling elite.
35、The use of mugwort leaves in sachets for the festival dates back to ancient times.
39、The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the four most important festivals in Chinese culture.
40、The Chinese character for dragon is 龍 in simplified Chinese and 龍 in traditional Chinese.
42、The festival is also a time when people decorate their homes with colorful objects like dragon boats, banners, and colorful lanterns.
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