1、Mother's Day is coming, remember to tell your mother that you love her forever.
2、I wish my mother well-being and happiness! Laugh a lot!zR120.cOm
3、Take care of the seeds of life and extend the eternal blood. Feel the miracle of life and enjoy the sweetness of motherhood. Mother's Day is coming, I wish you, the expectant mother, happiness, "pregnancy" and happiness!
4、I sincerely wish my mother a happy holiday on this special holiday! Say you have worked hard!
5、Be healthy and live a long life.
6、In the mother's eyes, a child is always a child, and in the child's mouth and heart, a mother is God.
7、Father's love is heaven, and mother's love is boundless. On Mother's Day, I wish all mothers the sweetest smile in the world.
8、Motherly love is like mountains, water and boundless. I wish my mother health and happiness!
9、Mother's Day is coming! Here, on behalf of my sons and daughters, I would like to pay high tribute to the beautiful women/hot moms who have not yet become, have become or will become mothers in the future! You are the most beautiful! Happy Mother's Day!
10、I wish my mother a good life, happiness, peace, beauty and health!
11、Mother's Day is coming. May you always be happy, happy and healthy!
12、Every time I turn around, I am greeted by a hug; Every time I am stubborn, it is a smile that softens me; Every time I travel far, my bags are full of embarrassment; Every time I give, I never ask for anything in return. Mother's Day, I wish my mother all the best!
13、Smooth the wrinkles on your forehead with my heart, and infect the white hair on your head with my love. Happy Mother's Day to you!
14、Dear mother, you are my greatest sense of security.
15、On this special day, Mom, I wish you a happy Mother's Day! Always young!
16、I wish my mother a long and healthy life and smile on her face.
17、I wish you a long and healthy life on your own holiday!
18、Pick a bunch of beautiful flowers and morning sunshine. To you, dear mother!
19、It's Mother's Day. I wish Mother physical and mental comfort and happiness!
20、Wish all mothers healthy, happy and safe is our common wish!
21、Mother's Day is coming, don't forget to pray for your mother and send your best wishes.
22、I sincerely wish you a happy holiday, happiness and longevity.
23、Mother's Day greetings are short
24、Mother's Day, I wish you happiness and well-being!
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