“愿你們發現,每個新的一年你的愛才剛剛開始?!痹┳8UZ是向他人表達祝福。在這一天每個人都會說幾句表達元旦美好祝愿的話。而有些元旦祝福語會讓人印象深刻,怎么樣讓自己的元旦祝福語顯得更加新穎?以下為節日祝福網為你收集整理的元旦的英文祝福語, 供你閱讀參考,并請收藏本頁面!
1、In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May
2、wish you a happy New Year. All affection and best wishes to you and
3、the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.
4、We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of my best friend,
5、It is my great privilege, on this most auspicious occasion, to say a
6、consider it a special privilege to wish the bride on behalf classmates
7、Boband his wonderful bride, Mary. 今天我們在一起慶祝我最好的朋友鮑伯和他的美新娘瑪莉的婚禮。
8、opportunities around; health need; a text message, all is well.
9、You two are the prince and princess in a fairy tale and may you live
10、smile; life is happy, good luck over; double wages, have both fame and wealth,
11、Wishing you many happy returns of the wedding day. 正值閣下新婚之禧,恭賀幸福無量。
12、will conclude by congratulating the young couple on their marriage,
13、along life's way.
14、wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of
15、word ofcongratulation to the groom, Mr. Smith, and to wish much happiness to his
16、more comfortable with each other, mutual care, bless you!
17、of congratulation to the groom, Mr。 Smith, and to wish much happiness to his
18、Thank you for your invitation.謝謝你們的邀請。
19、one hundred years of close! Both a lifetime!
20、Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come
21、Best wishes for a lifetime of love and happiness.
22、It was love that brought you two together, love that joined your hearts
23、of thenewly married couple.
24、wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true.
25、And may you find with each new year your love has just begun.
26、May the joy you share on your wedding day .Be the kind you'll share all
27、happily everafter! 你倆正如童話故事中的王子和公主,祝你們永遠幸??鞓?
28、The bosom friend and love, the love and more bosom friend.
29、am filled with such joy at the sight of you two beginning
30、Only once in a lifetime that a special dream comes true. And suddenly
31、star, I hope the undercurrent drips, happy New Year good time, total heart
32、For a special couple: Congratulations on your wedding。
33、Words can’t express what is in their hearts. Bob and Mary will never
34、you have many gold years.
35、anniversary. May you have many gold years.
36、Our best wishes to the two of you for a happy marriage filled with all
37、prosperous life together.
38、who know each other from year to year.
39、May everyday in your life together be as full of happiness and joy as
40、愿你們事事如愿,美滿幸福。 May you always have everything you wish for a rich life together.
41、Wishing you a wonderful beginning, and love to last a lifetime.
42、Flick the years of dust, to laughter and tears, love and cemented in the
43、tooffer hearty congratulations to Mr. Smith on the happiest occasion of his
44、wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness
45、forgetyou for what you have done for them.
46、don't gain weight, before the person you most Qiao; money in hand, laughing in
47、Our best wishes to the two of you for a happy marriage filled with all the good things. (我們)愿你倆婚姻美滿幸福。
48、Let us wish you both a hundred years of happiness.
49、My heart felt congratulations on your coming happy union! 謹向你們即將到來的幸福結合致以衷心的祝賀。
50、Best wishes from one of your old friends on your engagement.在你們訂婚之際,請接受一個老朋友最美好的祝愿。
51、lovely bride. 在這個良辰吉時,我很榮幸向新郎史密斯先生說恭喜,并祝他的可愛的新娘幸福美滿。
53、My sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of yours. 值你倆大喜之日,謹致最誠摯的;況賀。
55、May the joy you share on your wedding day be the kind you'll share all
56、yourwedding day.
57、This letter just no ink, between the lines for busy, night lights and
58、我希望你倆的共同生活美滿幸福。 I hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together.
59、celebration of the happy event.
60、and were married in the future should be together,
61、as one. And may you find with each new year your love has just begun.
62、bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of hristmas to you and your loved
63、On behalf of the classmates of the bridegroom, it is my great privilege
64、We are here to witness the union of two lives in marriage.
65、my heart also like you the prancing, happy! I wish you,
66、ofcongratulation to the groom, Mr. Smith, and to wish much happiness to his
67、hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life
68、It is my great privilege, on this most auspicious occasion, to say a word
69、Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with all your favorite
70、You two are a perfect match. Here's wishing you both a lifetime of
71、may you two always be in love! may happiness increase with age.
72、祝你們百年幸福。 Let us wish you both a hundred years of happiness.
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