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        1、The name engraved on the wooden board may not be immortal, and the name engraved on the stone may not last forever; and your name engraved deep in our soul will really exist forever!


        3、花甲之年獻赤心 (打一字)——答案:辛

        4、該同學本學期進步很快,知道珍惜時間,勤學多練,并不斷提高自己的學習效率。希望他進入中 學后能在各方面嚴格要求自己,同時堅信只要堅持不懈地努力,理想大門就會為你而開。

        5、I used to have a sincere care in front of me, but I didn't cherish it well. If I can give me another chance, I will tell you five words: Teacher, thank you!

        6、The sun is shining, the gardener's heart is strong;The loved teacher, your teachings are like spring breeze, like rain, Yongming my heart.On this Teacher's Day, I bless you well, wish you well, Ruyi!

        7、存心必怕 (打一字)——答案:具

        8、The symbol of growth is to embark on another new journey.Teacher, you can open up for us and be able to bend your journey to a new journey.


        10、You pour me like the seedlings in spring, use the summer Ganquan to cultivate me, watch the glory of my gains in autumn, and praise me like winter snow; thank you, the respectable teacher, I wish you a happy Teacher's DayIntersection


        12、Stubborn perseverance can conquer any peak in the world. You taught bad apprentices at that time. Today I use this to control life.Teacher, you are working hard!



        15、風涼話 (打一成語)——答案:冷言冷語

        16、你是一班之長,你的表現說明你無愧于這樣的稱號,你所取得的成績說明你是個認真、執著、上進的女孩,也樹立了你的威望。你是老師的得力助手,我為你喝彩,為你驕傲!愿你持之以恒地學習,去采擷最美麗的花朵! 學生評語2:你是一個有上進心的孩子,能虛心接受他人,知錯就改,尊敬老師,熱愛集體,關心愛護集體榮譽,熱心助人,積極勞動,上課積極舉手發言,回答問題聲音響亮。但學習進步不夠明顯,老師希望繼續努力,改變學習方法,更認真地對待學習,做一名優秀的小學生。


        18、Shi En is unforgettable-I wish you a happy holiday!forever happy!Master's unforgettable- "Ninety" Happy!forever!

        19、I am not your best student, but you are my most respectable teacher.In your festival, your student is willing to be young forever!

        20、Tomorrow Teacher's Day, I will send you the "Ninety" to express your intentions: "Ninety" and the "ninety" of big things, the "ninety" sweetness of love and friendship, the "ninety" of career studies is smooth, and life is worry -free "ninety" happiness.

        21、你愛好體育,興趣廣泛,這學期各方面表現都不錯。上課思維活躍,課后作業質量也提高了很多。你在學習上總能主動查漏補缺,所以成績一直較平穩,但有時粗枝大葉,不拘小節。希望進入中學后,能很好把握自己,同時堅信只要肯付出努力,就一定會收獲成功。老師期待你的佳音![趣祝福 zfw152.com]


        23、Yesterday, you used a white chalk to express your growth, adults, success, achievements, success, achievement; today, I will send you to you to wish you wish, congratulations, blessings, wish An, wish Kang, good!happy teacher's Day!
