Without your days, not blue! No flower, don't you yan! Your meal, no sweet! Didn't you sle~~每個人都欣賞不同類型的句子,或許你正在查找類似"關于情人節相關經典文案英文(49條)"這樣的內容,歡迎你閱讀與收藏。
2、Acquainted with you sincerely, and between a tacit, accompany with you daily。 Happy valentine's day!
4、Sincere, don't have to hide, all the words, are written in the small greeting CARDS。 I wish my new love, happy valentine's day。
5、Is the good life than the sun, is better than life love, than love is good, I ask you to marry me!
6、Met you, is a kind of predestination, Fall in love with you, it is a kind of happiness; Miss you, is a kind of habit; Cherish you, is a kind of eternity; Bless you, is a kind of inevitable, happy valentine's day!
7、may you have a wonderful Valentine's day!
9、Sending you a kiss to say Im glad that you are mine. Happy the day!
10、know I'm not a very good chronicler, but I'm better than anyone like looking back his the passage back, I keep looking back, in the foot, but hand time droppong my vigorous ran forward。
12、My love for you grows stronger with each passing day.
13、I cherish the memories we've created together. - 我珍惜我們共同創造的回憶。
14、In the lover's eyes, his love is always the one and only.在情人眼中,他所愛的人是獨一無二的。
16、cold here, icy cold there. you belong to neither, leaves have withered. your face is pale and blue, a tearful smile. something in your eyes, whispers words of last good-bye. my heart sinks down, tears surge out.
17、No one can escape the first date jitters。
18、As long as you are looking at me in the distance, there will be no others into my heart, a heart beating for you forever。 Dear, happy valentine's day!
19、Think of you is a kind of beautiful sadness of sweet melancholy, the in the mind noodles, is a kind of in any language cannot express the warmth。
20、She will have you on her leash。
21、your hand and hold more happiness; see your face, look more beautiful; kiss your lips, kiss more the more sweet hug you; one more hold more! The world is willing to love the people, the year of the rooster flowerd!
22、After all these years I still feel like a schoolboy when I hold your hand. I'm thinking of you this Valentine's Day.縱使多年已過,但每當我緊握你的手時,仍有一種自己還是高中生的感覺。我在這個情人節,一直思念著你。
23、love u, as i showed to you, my love!
25、pure blessing, the pure wish, thick, thick love。 Waft of fragrance, rich chocolate, in this romantic moments, I thick valentine greetings, happy valentine's day!
26、feel your heart is not here, I feel love has left, confessing to you one more time, one more time。
27、After all these years I still feel like a schoolboy when I hold your hand. I’m thinking of you this Valentine’s Day??v使多年已過,但每當我緊握你的手時,仍有一種自己還是高中生的感覺。我在這個情人節,一直思念著你。
28、Love is about growing together as a couple... Learning about each other and not giving up.愛是作為情侶一起成長起來......相互了解,絕不放棄。
29、My love for you is infinite and never-ending.
30、Love is ... work to lover make a phone call, take a look at whether you arrive home can be a little something for her home.愛是……上班時給情人打個電話,看看你下班回家時是否可以為她帶點什么東西回家。
31、Is by no means wealth can buy contentment peace happiness; Love love partner and happiness, is the treasure of the world! Dear, happy valentine's day!
32、fly with me loves his life and smiles sweetly. Happy valentine'sday!
33、I don"t have the chemistry about him。
34、didnt think that I could ever trust happiness. Then I metyou. Happy Valenti nes Day, Dear.
35、Whether the tide is rising or falling, the sea is always connected withthe shore.
36、We’re perfect for each other. 我們對彼此來說是完美的。
37、Getting to know each other is a beautiful embarrassment; Knowing eachother is a sweet way to get along; Falling in love is the sky of fate; Love isthe promise of faith. It's time to remember love day, dear, let's plant a deepfeeling and let go of the deepest thoughts!
38、To my ever loving; I am yours forever。獻給我永遠的愛人;我將永遠屬于你。
39、Love you is a feeling, a kind of happiness, sweet feeling。 Make you happy, also let yourself happy。
40、I hope that we can keep in touch with each other and go all the way.
42、We all want to eat on time, especially the breakfast, we are both not fat, so want to eat well。
43、Let's celebrate this day with hugs and kisses, and promise each other to love and cherish forever. Happy Valentine's Day, my love.
44、Force yourself to forget you, but love just know, originally I and cannot control everything.
45、can't give you all the best in the world, but I will give you all my best, because there is only one that is: I love you! Forever and always! Believe me! Happy valentine's day, happy forever!
47、Have you a gentle love, chi you sweet smiling face, read you wish to turn the screws, think you warm honey, when you are around, always happy happy happy life。 Today is valentine's day, my dear, happy holiday。
48、Without your days, not blue! No flower, don't you yan! Your meal, no sweet! Didn't you sleep, no sweet! Dear, happy valentine's day!
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