1、Happy 70th National Day, China! Let us all stand together with love, hope, and resilience for our motherland!
2、Let us all cherish and celebrate the hard-won achievements of our nation!
4、Celebrate the national spirit this National Day! 齊慶華夏豐收日,共唱國精昂揚歌!
6、Celebrating the remarkable history, culture, and progress of our country on this National Day!
10、Let's celebrate our unity and strength this National Day! 一起慶祝團結與力量,共迎華誕!
11、Let's celebrate our country's achievements and progress on National Day.
12、Happy birthday, China! 祝中國生日快樂!
13、May the Chinese economy continue to grow and benefit all its citizens on this National Day and beyond!
14、On this National Day, let us all strive to build a better and brighter future for our country!
15、Happy National Day to all those who are committed to the progress and development of our nation!
16、Today we celebrate the greatness and richness of our country. Happy National Day!
17、Best wishes for a peaceful and harmonious society this National Day! 祝國慶和諧寧靜的社會!
19、This National Day, let's come together to celebrate our shared love for our country.
20、Let's unite together and celebrate the beauty of our diverse country on National Day.
21、Happy National Day, China! Let us all continue to work towards a better and brighter future for our nation and its people!
22、Let's celebrate the achievements and progress of the Chinese people on this National Day and beyond!
25、Let's celebrate the Chinese cuisine, fashion, music and arts on this National Day and beyond!
26、May the happiness and joy of this National Day bring hope and inspiration to all!
27、May the love and pride we have for our country continue to inspire us towards greatness and prosperity on this National Day!
28、Happy National Day and best wishes for a bright future! 祝國慶節快樂,祝未來更加光明!
29、Wishing you a wonderful and unforgettable National Day, my Chinese friends!
31、May the Chinese society continue to promote equality, justice and human rights on this National Day and every day!
32、Happy National Day to all those who have made sacrifices in protecting our nation's natural resources and biodiversity!
34、Happy National Day, China! May your diversity, unity and history inspire the world for generations to come!
36、May our nation continue to shine bright and make a mark in the global arena! Happy National Day!
37、May the Chinese environmental policies and initiatives continue to protect, preserve and enhance the natural resources on this National Day and beyond!
40、Let us all work towards a society that is free from discrimination and prejudice on this National Day!
41、Happy National Day, China! May your wisdom, resilience and dignity shine through all challenges!
45、Wishing you a very happy National Day!
46、May the Chinese legal professionals, judges and law enforcement officers continue to fulfill their duties with integrity, impartiality and humanity on this National Day and beyond!
49、Happy National Day to my fellow countrymen! Remember, together we are stronger.
50、Happy National Day, China! May your technological advancements and innovations benefit the humanity as a whole!
51、May the spirit of patriotism inspire you this National Day! 愿愛國精神在國慶節激勵您!
52、May the red flag with the five stars wave proudly for generations to come! 愿五星紅旗永遠在未來的幾代人中自豪地飄揚!
53、Happy National Day to all those who have made great strides in promoting science, technology, and innovation in our nation!
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