Wishing you a day full of joy and national pride on National Day.~~還有哪些類似的句子在網上廣為流傳?欄目小編特地為你收集整理“國慶英語祝福語句(分享26條)”,相信你能找到對自己有用的內容。
1、May our nation always flourish and thrive in peace and harmony!
2、On this National Day, let's celebrate our country's achievements and strive to make it even better!
3、Congratulations on China's National Day, the day of pride and honor!
4、Let's all take pride in our nation's heritage and achievements on this National Day.
5、Best wishes for a festive and meaningful National Day celebration!
6、Happy National Day, and let's continue to work towards a brighter, better tomorrow.
7、Let's use this National Day to recognize and address the challenges and opportunities in our country's economy and society.
8、Wishing you a National Day full of hope, joy, and success!
9、Wishing you all the joy and blessings that China has to offer on this National Day.
10、Wishing you a National Day filled with love, peace, and unity!
11、Best wishes for a happy and healthy National Day with your loved ones near and far! 祝您和遠方、近在咫尺的親人國慶節快樂、健康!
12、Let us remember the hard work and perseverance of our leaders in building a better nation for us all! 讓我們記住我們領袖為我們所有人建立一個更美好的國家所付出的辛勤努力和堅持不懈!
13、May our country always be a shining example to the world.
14、Let us stand together and celebrate this National Day with pride, hope and optimism for our country and its people.
15、On this National Day, let's appreciate and protect the vulnerable and voiceless animals that inhabit our land and oceans.
16、Let us take pride in our country's achievements and work towards a brighter future for our nation and our people! 讓我們為我們國家的成就感到自豪,并為我們的國家和人民創造一個更美好的未來而努力!
17、May this National Day be a celebration of our country's achievements and a reaffirmation of our commitment to make it even better!
18、Happy National Day, the day to honor our country, our people, and our potential for greatness!
19、Happy National Day, the day to honor China's extraordinary achievements and people!
20、Happy National Day to the land of our birth! May we always cherish and protect our freedom!
21、Happy National Day to all! Let's celebrate our country's rich history and culture.
22、May this National Day be a reminder that we are all one proud and united nation!
23、May this National Day be filled with blessings and abundance for you and your loved ones.
24、Happy National Day to all! Let us celebrate the strength and resilience of our great nation.
25、Let's celebrate this National Day with hope for a more united and inclusive society.
26、Wishing you a day full of joy and national pride on National Day.
國慶英語祝福語句精選30條 “Enjoy the celebrations on National Day!”談論國慶英語祝福語句這個話題時節日祝福網的編輯有幾點想法需要表達,國慶節成為一個獨立國家的標志,反映這個國家的國體和政體,過完這幾日便是國慶節了,讓我們把心中美好的祝福送出去吧。有沒有什么通俗易懂的國慶節日祝福?在閱讀...
國慶英語祝福語句(精選45條) Happy National Day, happy seven days!國慶節是由一個國家制定的用來紀念國家本身的法定假日。十一小長假,往往都是人們相關送上國慶祝福語的時候,有沒有適合新人書寫的國慶祝福語呢?于是,欄目小編為你收集整理了國慶英語祝福語句。為方便后續閱讀,請你收藏本文。...
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