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        1、讓童真凈化你煩悶的心靈,多點灑脫;讓童趣增添你的生活情趣,多點快樂; Let the innocence purify your troubled mind, more free and easy; let the childlike interest increase your life interest, more happy;

        2、童年就是花朵,童年就是種子,充滿生機,富有活力,追憶童年,回味童年,快樂兒童節! Childhood is a flower, childhood is a seed, full of vitality, vitality, recall childhood, recall childhood, happy Childrens Day!

        3、祝你永遠擁有一顆純真、快樂的童心! I wish you always have a pure and happy childlike innocence.

        4、六一兒童節,祝小朋友們快樂無比! Happy childrens Day!

        5、愿新年的快樂一年四季常在?!ay the joy of New Year be with all the seasons of the year.

        6、兒童節到了,愿你和孩子快樂永伴,健康無憂! Childrens Day is coming. May you and your children be happy and healthy.

        7、祝你兒童節快樂,身體永遠健康。 I wish you a happy childrens day and a healthy body forever.

        8、when the peony in full bloom,swallows flying;legitimate Rose Michelia,Cherry cooked,the best time of year!Peony the United States less than you,than you cherry red,Xiaodi young girl,a happy Children's Day! 正當芍藥盛開,燕子飛來;正當玫瑰含笑,櫻桃熟了,一年中最好的時節!芍藥不及你美,櫻桃不及你紅,小弟小妹,兒童節快樂!

        9、愿女兒的祝福帶給您歡樂?!ay the blessings of your daughter bring you joy.

        10、恭祝健康、幸運,新年快樂?!ood luck, happy new year.

        11、兒童節到了,送你一顆快樂的童心! Childrens day is coming, send you a happy heart!

        12、六一,朋友,祝您永遠有顆快樂的童心?!hildren, friends, I wish you a happy forever with childlike innocence.

        13、祝你兒童節快樂,工作順利,家庭和睦,心情愉悅! I wish you a happy children's day, a smooth job, a happy family and a happy mood.

        14、兒童節到來之際,愿你永駐花般笑顏! Childrens day coming, may you be always spend as smile!

        15、快點擦擦鼻涕,把它收好,祝您兒童節快樂! Hurry up wiping your nose, put it away, I wish you a happy children's day!

        16、朋友,愿你忘記煩惱,擁抱快樂甜蜜! Friend, you would like to forget the worry, embrace happiness sweet!

        17、兒童節快樂、開心永遠永遠?!appy childrens day, happy forever.

        18、發揮你的熱情,讓理想變為現實?!ake your passion and make it come true.

        19、祝節日幸福如意?!ishing you all the happiness of the holiday season。

        20、On International Children's Day, I send you a lollipop to wish you a sweet life. 六一兒童節,送你一根棒棒糖祝你生活甜蜜。

        21、愿您在新的一年充滿快樂?!ishing you a happy new year.

        22、我期待著新年過后,再上您的課?! am looking forward to your class after the new year.

        23、愿節日的愉快伴你一生?!ishing you a happy holiday season.

        24、May school-age children have happiness first. 愿適齡兒童,幸??鞓返谝弧?/p>

        25、兒童節到了,祝你節日快樂,永遠年輕! Childrens Day is here. I wish you a happy holiday and forever young!

        26、送您一些童趣,愿您憂愁消,歡樂多?!end you some tong qu, let you sorrow, joy.

        27、童年是一首沒有憂傷的歌曲,唱出你我純真的記憶; Childhood is a song without sadness, singing your memory of my innocence;

        28、六一到,讓快樂與你輕輕擁抱,讓困難見你乖乖讓道,讓煩惱偷偷走掉,讓吉祥對你格外關照,讓幸福對你永遠微笑!六一兒童節快樂! Children, let happiness be with you hug, let difficulties see you guaiguai road, lets the worry secretly walk off, auspicious tone to you, let happiness forever smile to you! Happy children's day!

        29、愿您六一心情妙,開開心心每一秒! You would like to children mood, happy every second!

        30、兒童節玩得開心,老頑童快悅舒心?!ave a happy childrens day, the old urchin yue shu xin.

        31、Happy children's day, forever childlike you! May you always keep a childlike innocence! 兒童節快樂,永遠童真的你!愿你永遠保持一顆童心!

        32、愿你所有的新年想都成真! May all your new year"s dreams come true!

        33、愿你擁有兒童般的快樂,幸福常駐?!ay you have the happy like children, permanent happiness.

        34、洋娃娃美滋滋,唐老鴨笑哈哈,黑貓警長來站崗,葫蘆金剛也來到,吹起心愛的小螺號,唱著英文字母歌,美麗世界真熱鬧;兒童節快樂! Doll alacrity, Donald's laugh, black to stand guard, king kong gourd came, blowing beloved small conch, singing the song in English letters, beautiful world really busy; Happy children's day!

        35、恭賀新禧,萬事如意。 Happy new year, good luck in everything.

        36、珍惜兒童世界,過好兒童節日,開心快樂永遠?!herish the world of children, celebrate childrens holidays, be happy and happy forever.

        37、愿女兒的新年祝福帶給你快樂?! New Year greeting to cheer you from your daughter.

        38、兒童節,祝你重回童年,快樂相連! Happy childrens day, I wish you were a boy again, connected!

        39、I wish you a happy June day, and your childhood dreams will become proud. 祝你六一快樂,兒時的夢想變成驕傲。

        40、愿你永遠擁有一顆童心,天天笑哈哈?!ay you always have a childlike innocence and laugh everyday.

        41、愿你永駐花般笑顏!兒童節快樂! You would like to spend as smile! Happy childrens day!

        42、愿你擁有圣誕節所有美好的祝福?!ishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season.

        43、May you always be childlike and happy forever! 愿你永葆童心,開心永遠!

        44、祝我最親愛的父母節日愉快! Season"s greetings to my dearest parents!

        45、愿快樂幸福永伴你左右?!ay the joy and happiness around you forever.

        46、像孩童一樣攀爬樓梯,攀上人生的頂峰?!ike a child to climb stairs, climbing the peak of life.

        47、預祝老小孩們節日快樂,無憂無慮! Wish old children a happy holiday, so carefree!

        48、祝你兒童節快樂抹一臉,幸福流成河?! wish you a happy childrens day and a happy river.

        49、做一個永遠快樂的孩子,兒童節快樂! Do a always happy children, happy childrens day!

        50、今天兒童節,祝超級兒童節日快樂! Today is children's day, I wish the children happy holidays!

        51、I sincerely wish you, who have also grown up, happy as a child, young and never old. 真心祝愿同樣已經長大的你,快樂似小孩,年輕永不老。

        52、祝福您,新年快樂?!ishing you a happy new year.

        53、愿你擁有兒童般的快樂,幸福常駐?!ay you have childrens happiness and happiness.

        54、愿你永遠懷揣一顆天真爛漫的童心快樂地生活! May you live happily with an innocent childlike heart forever!

        55、希望我們能一起過春節?! hope we can spend the Spring Festival together.

        56、在此佳節,唯有你在心中?!n this season, only you in the heart.

        57、兒童節,祝你擁有兒時快樂,開心?!hildrens day, I wish you have a happy childhood, happy.

        58、去到孩子們中間,找回童年的歡暢! Go between the children, back to childhood.

        59、愿所有的春誕節都如此歡快明亮! All are this bright!

        60、June day is coming. Whether you are 16 or 28, I wish you a young face forever! 六一節到了,不管你十六還是二十八,祝你童顏永駐永遠長不大!

        61、May your life be clear and bright, with a smile like a flower, and live up to Zhaohua. Happy children's Day! 愿你,一生清澈明朗,笑魘如花,不負昭華。兒童節快樂!

        62、全體職員祝您及家人圣誕快樂。 Your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy Christmas.

        63、希望我們能一起過圣誕節?! hope we can spend Christmas together.
