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        ??周一早上好,我把清晨的第一縷陽光送給你?!ood Monday morning. Ill give you the first ray of sunshine in the morning.

        ??黎明的曙光揭去夜幕的輕紗,吐出燦爛的晨光,迎來了新的一天?!he dawn lifts the veil of the night, spits out the brilliant morning light, ushers in a new day.

        ??開啟綠燈祝你事業順,時刻幸福! Turn on the green light to wish you a smooth career and happiness at all times!

        ??如果說我比別人看得更遠些,那是因為我站在了巨人的肩上。早安! If I see farther than others, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants. good morning!

        ??祝福記心間,希望常存信念,溫馨道聲早安?!less the heart, hope to keep faith, warm road good morning.

        ??早安,愿你有個美好一天! Good morning, have a good day!

        ??朋友,早安!愿你心情無比燦爛,生活舒心無憂煩! Good morning, friend! May you have a wonderful mood and no worries in your life!

        ??晨起的雨露甜甜,送去我對你的感言。 The rain and dew in the morning are sweet and sweet. Send me my speech to you.

        ??一個真正快樂的人,是那種在走彎路時也不忘享受風景的人。 A really happy person is one who does not forget to enjoy the scenery when walking around the bend.

        ??頻頻回頭的人,是走不了遠路的?!eople who go back often cannot go far.

        ??夢想就像是一條路,只要你肯去走,就一點會走到終點。早安! Dream is like a road, as long as you are willing to go, it will come to the end. good morning!

        ??The truth is, you dont know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed. 明天怎樣,沒人知曉,生活本是一次瘋狂的旅程,沒什么是確定無疑的。

        ??早安,祝美麗心情?!ood morning, I wish you a beautiful mood.

        ??Lying is done with words and also with silence. 不只是說出口的才是謊言,沉默也可以是欺騙。

        ??綠草清香,宜人芬芳,展現微笑,新的一天!你好,早安! Green grass fragrance, pleasant fragrance, to show a smile, a new day! Hello, good morning!

        ??早安,祝你今天好心情,工作順利,生活甜美! Good morning, good luck, good work and sweet life.

        ??如果你不止一次夢想一件事,那它肯定會成真的。早安! If you dream of one thing more than once, it will come true. good morning!

        ??勇敢不是不害怕,而是害怕的時候你還能堅持去做。早上好,親愛的朋友! Courage is not about not being afraid, but when you are afraid, you can stick to it. Good morning, dear friend!

        ??在晨曦中抖擻精神,在陽光下放飛心情?!n the morning, we should be energetic and let go of our mood in the sunshine.

        ??從今天開始為積累美好而努力,早安! From today on, I will work hard to accumulate beauty. Good morning!

        ??早起對鏡笑一笑,幸福生活多美好?!et up early and smile at the mirror, how happy life is.

        ??給自己一個微笑,告訴自己今天會更美好?!ive yourself a smile and tell yourself that it will be better today.zR120.com

        ??You will be seeing miracles as long as you take a deep breath. Being happy,it is not because of how much you own but for the big part that you don‘t care for. 只要用力呼吸,就能看到奇跡,一個人的快樂不是因為他擁有的多,而是因為他計較的少。

        ??有時候,越想忘記,卻越刻骨銘心。早安,朋友! sometimes, the more i want to forget, the more i remember. good morning, friend!

        ??人生最大的痛苦就是心靈沒有歸屬,不管你知不知覺,承不承認。早安,朋友! the greatest pain in life is that the soul does not belong, whether you know it or not, admit it or not. good morning, friend!

        ??用加法愛人,用減法怨恨,用乘法感恩,用除法解憂。早上好! Add love, subtract hatred, multiply gratitude, and divide. Good morning!

        ??學著堅持自己認定的事,不要管別人怎么說,人活著,不是要取悅別人。早安,朋友! learn to stick to what you believe, regardless of what others say, people live, not to please others. good morning, friend!

        ??i succeeded because i willed it to be a success!

        ??Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. 生命的意義不在于發現你自己,而在于創造你自己。

        ??為了明天新生活,好的習慣得養成?!n order to live a new life tomorrow, good habits must be formed.

        ??親愛的,又是新的一天,愿美麗的陽光美麗你的心情,好運與你相伴行?!ear, it"s another day. May the beautiful sunshine, beautiful mood and good luck go with you.

        ??Remember happiness doesnt depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think.—— 幸福不在于你是誰,你擁有什么,而僅僅在于你自己怎么看待。

        ??喜歡一首歌,很多時候不是因為喜歡,只是借一種方式去懷念一個人。早安,朋友! like a song, many times not because of like, but by a way to miss a person. good morning, friend!

        ??Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy. 生活有時是令人沮喪的,但你可以努力讓自己的過得開心。

        ??生活好比是一面鏡子,笑對生活,生活就會對你微笑。 Life is like a mirror, smile to life, life will smile to you.

        ??早上好!一束光照在身,祝你天天都開心?!ood morning! A beam of light in the body, I wish you every day happy.

        ??沒有人能預知未來的命運,但我們可以用愉悅的表情面對命運。早安! No one can predict the fate of the future, but we can face it with a happy expression. good morning!

        ??你不嘗試著做些能力之外的事情,就永遠無法成長。早安,朋友! You will never grow up unless you try to do something beyond your abilities. Good morning, friend!

        ??太陽總是新的,每天都是美好的日子。 The sun is always new and every day is a good day.

        ??一陣清風,送去最真誠的祝福! A breeze, send the most sincere blessing!

        ??做人要地道,好人有好報;做事要踏實,步履才堅實!早安! To be a real person, good people will be rewarded; to do things in a down-to-earth manner, we must be firm in our steps! good morning!

        ??親愛的朋友,快樂工作,健康生活! Dear friends, happy work, healthy life!

        ??讓快樂的心相隨,輕松明媚。早安! Let the happy heart be with you, relaxed and beautiful. good morning!

        ??鈴音響起祝福到,說聲早安問個好! Ring the bell to say good morning!

        ??athletes must have a horse, horse athletes.

        ??漸漸的,太陽升高了。千萬縷像利箭一樣的金光,沖破了晨霧?!radually, the sun rose. Thousands of golden rays, like sharp arrows, broke through the morning mist.

        ??時間給懶惰的人留下空虛和悔恨,給勤勉的人留下智慧和力量。早安! Time leaves emptiness and regret for the lazy and wisdom and strength for the diligent. good morning!

        ??When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there.——當出現障礙時,你應該改變方向來達到你的目標,但你不應改變你到達目的地的決心。

        ??Some things, you know, but you don’t even know that. Good morning! 有些東西,自己懂就好,但就怕連自己都不懂。早安!

        ??快起床啦,早上好! Get up, good morning!

        ??美麗的天氣,美好的你,美好的情意滋潤你! The beautiful weather, the beautiful you, the beautiful sentiment moistens you!

        ??Sometimes, if you persist in doing that which you least like to do, in the end you will receive that which you want the most.有時候,堅持了你最不想干的事情之后,便可得到你最想要的東西。

        ??從旁人的愚行中學到聰明Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

        ??人生最幸福的是,累并快樂著,你現在不累,以后就會更累?!he happiest thing in life is that you are tired and happy. If you are not tired now, you will be more tired later.

        ??早晨,陽光明媚,突然想告訴你:因為有你,心里覺得很幸福。早安! In the morning, the sun is shining, and I want to tell you that I feel very happy because of you. Good morning!


        ??心里若是充滿陽光,哪里都是晴天! If the heart is full of sunshine, everywhere is sunny!

        ??Life is but a hard and tortuous journey.人生即是一段艱難曲折的旅程,人生無坦途。

        ??Sometimes you need to accept that whats done is done.——有時候,你需要接受,過去了就過去了。

        ??only action can transform the fate.

        ??Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself to become a new person. 有時候,你不得不在心如死灰一般之后,從灰燼中涅盤,相信自己,并成為一個全新的自己。
