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        ??On this special day I send you New Years greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together. 祝你今后獲得更大成就。


        ??Good luck in the year ahead! 恭賀賀新禧!

        ??手心里的幸福,脆弱地經不起你一點點的冷漠?!n the palm of the hand of happiness, can not withstand the fragile you a little bit of indifference.

        ??我把筆記本一頁一頁的撕掉。 I put off the notebook pages.


        ??龍飛鳳舞同迎客,門敬筵開競向君。在新的一年里,祝您事業蒸蒸日上! While with their doors, door open race like worship feast。 In the New Year, wish you business is thriving!

        ??抓住了手就別放,愛對了人就走下去?!old your hand and dont let it go.


        ??Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family! 事業成功,家庭美滿。

        ??平安夜,平安雪花墜落并綻放,嚴寒卻彌漫著溫馨;平安短信書寫并投遞,簡短卻字里行間透露著我的祝福。平安夜,只愿你平平安安,快快樂樂,如雪花雪白。 Christmas Eve, Christmas snow falls and bloom, cold is filled with warmth。 Peace message writing and delivery, brief but her my blessing。 Will be safe and happy Christmas Eve, only wish you, such as Snow White。


        ??May you come into a good fortune! 祝吉星高照!


        ??Best wishes and congratulations on your graduation.

        ??濃濃的情意,深深的'祝福,綿綿懷念,切切問候。愿你佳節快樂,健康如意?!trong emotions, deep blessings, lingering nostalgia, sincere greetings. Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday.


        ??Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health. 愿快樂幸福永伴你左右。

        ??聽說我幸福滿分,我決定全部送給你,冬至驚喜十分,平安夜溫馨十分,圣誕浪漫十分,事業激情十分、生活美滿十分,加上夢想給力十分,希望你萬事順心,幸福漲滿分?!eard I happiness full marks, I decided to send to you, all very surprise on the winter solstice, Christmas Eve is very sweet, very romantic Christmas, career passion is very, very, happy happy life and dream is to force, hope you all well, happiness get a full mark。



        ??Although the distance between will space out us, may we remember our true friendship and bleing.雖然時空會將我們分開,我們卻依然記憶彼此最真誠的友情和祝福。

        ??親愛的老師,二十年了,今天再見面,你卻老了,頭上有了更多的白發,在此我祝您健康長壽! Dear teacher, for twenty years, meet again today, you are old, head have more white hair, here I wish you longevity and health!




        ??To wish you joy at this holy season. Wishing every happiness will always be with you. 請接受我節日的祝賀。

        ??新的一年新的路,走吧,鮮花正盛開在你的前方! New Years road, go ahead, flowers are blooming in front of you!

        ??一天我擦亮阿拉丁的神燈,燈神說:我會滿足你一個愿望。我說:請祝福正在看短消息的人新年快樂! one day I shone Aladdin"s lamp, and the light God said, I"ll meet your ent, happiness leads you through every point, good luck the helpless, no matter you go to the ends of the earth, I will bless you!

        ??祝節日快樂,新年幸福?!appy new year, happy new year to you.


        ??Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year. 致以最良好的祝福,原你新年快樂幸福。

        ??不管你在哪里,我都與你只有一個轉身的距離?!o matter where you are, I have only one turn away from you.

        ??朋友啊朋友,讓我們一起靜靜地等待未來、希望和光明,還有就要敲響新年的鐘?!riends ah, let us together quietly waiting for the future, hope and light, and is about to ring in the New Year bell。

        ??讓世界上一切的歡樂都融和在我的歌中,來慶賀你的生日。 Let all the happiness in the world melt in my song and congratulate for your birthday。

        ??若無其事原來是最狠的報復?!t turned out to be the most ruthless revenge.


        ??Wishing you happiness during the holidays and throughout the New Year. 愿新年為你帶來快樂,友愛和寧靜。



        ??把臂膀給予飛雀就歡快了;把心拋給大海就遼闊了;把目光留給蒼穹就深遠了;把祝福發給你就開心了,祝周末愉快! Gives arms to fly bird is happy; The heart to the sea is vast; Looking to the sky is profound; Send blessings to you happy, I wish a happy weekend!

        ??Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year. 恭祝新年吉祥,幸福和歡樂與你同在。

        ??祝你年年高升、月月健康、天天進步! I wish you every year to rise, month to month health, progress every day!


        ??With best wishes for a happy New Year! 祝好運、健康、佳肴伴你度過一個快樂新年。

        ??祝節日幸福如意?!ishing you all the happiness of the holiday season。

        ??幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在新年來到你身邊,伴你左右。 Happy thoughts and friendly wishes come to you and stay with you in the New Year.

        ??愛情不僅僅是感情,它也是藝術?!ove is not only a feeling, but also an art.


        ??親愛的朋友,讓我們一起靜靜地等待未來,希望和光明以及馬上就要敲響的新年的鐘聲! Dear friends, lets wait quietly for the future, hope and light, and the bell of the New Year that will ring soon!

        ??生病的是你,心痛的是我。保持健康,不僅是對自己生命的義務,也是對親屬甚至也是對社會的付出。 It is I who is sick, you heartache。 To keep healthy, is not only the obligation of his own life, also for relatives and even for the pay of the society。

        ??平安夜送你蘋果,祈福你一生平安幸福;圣誕節送你個香橙,保佑你一世心想事成;狂歡夜送你個火龍果,祝愿你一輩子紅紅火火。 Silent night send you apple, bless your life safety and happiness; Christmas to send you a orange, bless you forever horse; Carnival night to send you a dragon fruit, I wish you all your life thriving。

        ??祝你們:新年幸福美滿,和諧如意吉祥,好人一生平安?! wish you a happy New Year, harmonious and auspicious, and a good person a safe life.


        ??恭賀圣誕快樂,在新的一年里有甜有蜜,有富有貴,有滋有味,有安有康。 merry christmas and happy new year there is a sweet honey, your rich flavor, there is an kang.


        ??你愛我我愛你,后來你不愛了,而我卻礙你?!ou love me, I love you, but you dont love me, but I miss you.【djZ525.coM 勵志的句子】


        ??有點缺點沒關系,這樣才真實?!t doesnt matter if you have a weakness.

        ??Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year. 愿節日的愉快伴你一生。

        ??待我長發及腰,他早已與她雙宿雙飛?!hen my hair achieves waist length, he had with her shuangsushuangfei.

        ??在這辭舊迎新之際,把最美好的祝福送給你,愿你新年行大運,生活節節高! On the occasion of leaving the old year and welcoming the new year, I send you my best wishes. Wishing you great luck in the New Year and a high festival of life.

        ??愿我的祝福你藍天一樣照耀你,愿我的短信像白云一樣飄向你,愿我的祝福像微風一樣吹向你,愿我的祝福像短信一樣送給你:祝平安夜快樂,圣誕節快樂! May I wish you the blue sky shine upon you, let my messages like white clouds float to you, I like the breeze blow a blessing to you, I like SMS send to you a blessing: I wish a happy Christmas Eve, merry Christmas!

        ??有時愛情是朵含蓄的花,需要時間才會怒放?!ometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom.

        ??為你送出除夕的問候,愿你合家美滿,除夕快樂! Send you New Years Eve greetings, wish you a happy family, happy New Years Eve!

        ??With the compliments of the season. 謹祝新年快樂幸福,大吉大利!

        ??I wish my parents happy Double Ninth Festival祝父母重陽節快樂。

        ??平安夜,報平安,平平安安迎圣誕;跨萬水,越千山,祝福接力問候傳;鹿蹄急,雪橇快,圣誕禮物堆成山;爐火旺,驅嚴寒,圣誕樹下美夢圓。圣誕快樂! On Christmas Eve, report peaceful, safely to meet Christmas; Across the river, the mountains, the blessing relay greetings, Deer hoof, sled, Christmas gift mountain; Cold fire, flooding, Christmas tree dream round。 Merry Christmas!


        ??希望我們能一起過圣誕節?! hope we can spend Christmas together.

        ??風雨的街頭,招牌能掛多久,愛過的老歌,你能記得幾首,別忘了有像我這樣的一位朋友!永遠祝福你! The street of the ernal, you are unforgettable.

        ??Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year. 新年帶給你和你所愛的人許多美好的事物和無盡的祝福!

        ??我們恰恰是因為在乎太多,所以總是有無法釋懷?!recisely because we care about too much, so I always cant let go.

        ??Take good care of yourself in the year ahead. 愿你健康長壽!



        ??度過吉祥平安夜,迎來喜慶圣誕節。歡天喜地來慶賀,愁云慘霧全拋舍。圣誕老人送大禮,福祿壽喜都不缺。圣誕鐘聲傳入耳,祝你天天都喜悅。 For peace and prosperity for the night, bringing in the Christmas festival。 Merrily merrily to celebrate, gloom all behind。 Santa Claus gift, ferro ShouXi has everything。 Christmas bell incoming ears, I wish you joy every day。

        ??I want to wish you longevity and health! 祝財運亨通!


        ??祈愿你的每一個日子都充滿陽光、無比燦爛。 May every day of your life be filled with sunshine and brilliance.

        ??不是我不想打你,而是我打不過你?!ts not that I dont want to hit you, but I cant beat you.

        ??就算全世界離開你,還有一個我來陪。 Even if the whole world leave you, I have to accompany.
