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        1、許久不見,但愿楓葉載情,在你干涸的心田撒下春的種子;在 同一片星空下,讓遠離的你我,共同編織思念的花環?!e haven’t seen each other for a long time. May maple bring my love and sow seeds of spring; Under the same starry sky, let us, the distant two, weave a garland of missing.

        2、那些說不出口的思念,最后都熬成了黑眼圈?!hose unspeakable thoughts finally boil into dark circles under the eyes.

        3、我滿腦都是你,你滿腦子都是她?!m full of you. Youre full of her.

        4、思念一個人,像是一個流失的缺口,越彌補越深刻?!issing someone is like a lost gap. The more you make up, the deeper it becomes.

        5、Some desperation once shattered youll never find hope. 有些絕望一旦破滅 就再也找不到希望了。??

        6、甜度有三分,有五分,唯有想你時的甜度剛剛好?!weetness has three points and five points. Only when I miss you, the sweetness is just good.

        7、想你一次,星星就多了一顆的樣子?!f I miss you once, there will be one more star.

        8、在時間的荏苒流逝中,想起久違的你,思念油然而生。一張精 致的卡片,一腔思念的情懷,加上虔誠的祝福,寄予遠方的你?!ime flies by and I remember I haven’t seen you for ages.I send you a fine card with my missing and sincere blessing.

        9、Really want to persuade the third, this some you just a white lie, 好想說服自巳,這一些只是你善意的謊言

        10、思念攢夠了,我們見一面吧?!ve saved enough thoughts. Lets meet.

        11、哪有什么放不下的人,到頭來都是放不過自己?!here is no one who cant let go. In the end, he cant let go of himself.

        12、I shall never loved me, like I wont come back again to look for once love 我等的人永遠不會愛我,就像我不會回頭再去找曾經的愛

        13、我有萬種不想你的方式,卻也無法將你從我腦海抹去?!here are thousands of ways I dont want you, but I cant erase you from my mind.

        14、Rampant spread of those wanton in the night. 那些放肆的猖狂的蔓延在黑夜里。

        15、沒有人值得你流淚,值得讓你這么做的人不會讓你哭泣?!o man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.

        16、Pure appearance, hiding the hypocrisy of you. 純潔的外表里,藏著最虛偽的你。

        17、我不知道我是否真的愛,但是我知道我不能沒有你,如果地球將要毀滅,那么我要告訴你“你是我唯一想見的'人”?! don’t know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot lose you If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see

        18、曾經的那條路、徘徊的是我們的影子?!nce that road, wandering is our shadow.(???????)???

        19、一個人的想念,兩個人的畫面。 One persons miss, two peoples picture.

        20、你知道么,有個人時時想念著你,惦記你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光閃閃,綴在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。 Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart
