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        1、最好的閨蜜,是你們毫無隱瞞,互相信任,她愛你愛到死。生日快樂! You are the best bestie, nothing to hide, mutual trust, love you love her、Happy birthday!

        2、To love is nothing. To be loved is something.To love and be loved is everything. 愛別人不足道,被人愛著值得驕傲。愛著又被愛著才最重要。

        3、愿你此生,夢想光芒,野蠻生長,永不彷徨。 May you dream of light,grow savagely and never hesitate in this life。

        4、祈愿您心靈深處,好花常開,好景常在,好運永遠盈滿胸懷!生日快樂! Wish you a good heart, a regular flower, often in good luck, filled with mind forever! Happy birthday!

        5、We may grow old together,but as long as we are together,I feel young. 我們也許會一起變老,但只要我們在一起,我就覺得年輕。

        6、看完這條消息,許個心愿,滿天的星都想看到你的笑臉;悠悠的云里有淡淡的思念,淡淡的思念里有我綿綿的祝愿,愿你生日快樂,微笑生活每一天! Read this message, make a wish, all over the sky star, all want to see your smiling face; There are long clouds hint of yearning, flow there are my wishes, continuous, wish you a happy birthday, smile to life every day!

        7、愿友誼之手愈握愈緊,讓相連的心愈靠愈近!我最要好的朋友,送上我真誠的生日祝福! May the hand of friendship become stronger and tighter, and let the connected heart grow closer! My best friend, send my sincere birthday wishes!

        8、每年的今天,都是我最牽掛你的日子。 Every year today is the day when I care about you most.

        9、祝生日快樂,開心永遠?!appy birthday,happy forever。

        10、送一縷金色的陽光,讓你幸福的生活更溫暖,送一泓清涼的甘泉,讓你的美麗的容顏更滋潤,送一段真誠的生日祝愿,愿你渡過最美妙的一天,生日快樂?!o send a wisp of the golden sun, let you happiness of life more warm, send a cool oasis of your beautiful face more moist, to send a sincere birthday wishes, may you through one of the most beautiful days, happy birthday。

        11、此日一到來,年齡長一長;蛋糕來助興,心愿來達成;發此短信有啥意?主要目的傳祝福,祝愿歲歲平平安,心里所想事事成! An arrival this day and age a long long; Cake to cheer, wish to achieve; Texting this have what meaning? The main purpose of the blessing, wish happiness, peace thinking into everything!

        12、把思念集中在今天,你的生日來臨,送你兩個紅雞蛋,祝你事事都如愿,蛋殼包裹著幸福,蛋白偷藏著甜蜜,蛋黃浸透著快樂,伴你相隨到永遠! Focus your thoughts today, your birthday is coming, send you two red eggs, I wish you the best of everything, the shell wrapped in happiness, protein steal hidden sweet, egg yolk, saturated with happy, with your hand to forever!

        13、Happy birthday to my wife.You're the reason I have found so much joy in my life.I hope you know you are everything to me.Thank you all for every gentle touch and smile that makes my life worthwhile and for the way you always seem to know just how to see me through.A very happy wish for you is that your days and years turn out as glad as glad can be. 生日快樂,我的愛妻。因為有了你我才發現那么多生活的樂趣,我希望你知道你是

        14、Happy birthday with my warm affection and loving thought of you.May your days be bright with dreams come true and filled with favorite memories. 給你我溫存的愛戀和深情的思念,祝你生日快樂。愿你的生活因夢想成真而明媚,愿甜蜜的回憶裝滿你心間。

        15、我在那盛開的蘭花瓣上寫出對你無窮的思念與祝福,并祝你生日快樂! I write my endless thoughts and blessings to you on the blooming orchid petal and wish you a happy birthday!

        16、愿美妙的香味時刻圍繞著您,使您的人生充滿幸福喜悅,永浴于無止境的歡樂年華!祝您生日快樂! Wish a wonderful fragrance moment around you, make your life full of happiness, forever the bath in endless joy time! I wish you a happy birthday!

        17、祝你像置身魔法世界一樣幸福,生日快樂! I wish you as happy as you are in the magic world. Happy birthday!

        18、祝福加祝福是許多個祝福,祝福減祝福是祝福的起點,祝福乘祝福是無限個祝福,祝福除祝福是唯一的祝福,祝福你生日快樂! In blessing blessing is many blessings,blessing is the starting point of blessing,blessing by blessing is infinite a blessing,blessing blessing is the only,wish you a happy birthday!

        19、媽媽,生日快樂!真希望能有語言能表達我們的謝意,感謝你每日操持家務及給予我們的幫助。愿你在未來的歲月中永遠快樂健康! Mom, happy birthday! Wish I could have the language to express our gratitude, thank you for your daily housework and give our help。 May you always happy in the future years to health!

        20、在這個特別的日子里,祝你生日快樂! Happy birthday to you on this special day!

        21、With all the love a heart can hold on your birthday.On this special occasion,I want you to know it is you who make my life meaningful.My love for you is more than I can express.I am to share every day with you till the end of my life. Happy birthday! 用我滿懷的愛戀,祝賀你的生日,在此特別的時刻,我想告訴你,是你使我的生活有了意義,我對你的愛無法用言語表達。我將與你共度生命的每一天。生日快樂!

        22、很久沒見,但早前預設的報時告訴我,你今天生日,在此向你講聲:祝你生日快樂!青春美麗! Long time no see,but the earlier the preset time tell me,you birthday today,here to tell you:happy birthday to you!The youth beautiful!

        23、生日,就是一個起點,一切從這里開始,一切都會好起來的。 Birthday, is a starting point, everything from here, everything will be all right.

        24、在這個特殊的日子里,我祝你:天天娃哈哈,歲歲樂百事,笑臉美如花,青春惹人夸。生日快樂! In this special day, I wish you every day: Wahaha, suisui Le Pepsi, smiling face like beauty, youth provoking kua、Happy birthday!

        25、愿你倆恩恩愛愛,意篤情深,此生愛情永恒,愛心與日俱增!生日快樂! Wish you two enenaiai, his affectionate life, eternal love, love grow with each passing day! Happy birthday!

        26、常常思念你,在我的心里;默默祝福你,在我的心底。愿你佳節愉快,幸福甜蜜?!ften miss you, in my heart; silently bless you, in my heart、Wishing you a happy holiday and happiness.

        27、祝你生日快樂起,朋友心思你要知。 I wish you a happy birthday, friends, you know.

        28、Have a happy birthday! 生日快樂!

        29、您用母愛哺育了我的魂魄和軀體,您的乳汁是我思維的源泉,您的眼里系著我生命的希冀。媽媽,我不知如何報答您,祝您生日快樂! You with a mothers love feeding my soul and body, your breast milk is the source of my thinking, your eyes with the hope of my life。 Mom, I dont know how to repay you, I wish you a happy birthday!

        30、沒有聲音,但有祝福;沒有鮮花,但有真情,有來自內心的祝愿:生日快樂,心想事成! There is no voice, but there are blessings; there are no flowers, but there is truth, there are wishes from the heart: Happy birthday, what you want to achieve!

        31、祝你生日快樂!送你一束愛情花,讓你心情飛揚;送你一束玫瑰花,讓你愛情幸福;送你一束康乃馨,讓你溫情溫馨;祝你生日快樂! I wish you a happy birthday! Send you a bouquet of flowers, love make you mood float in the sky; Send you a bouquet of roses, let you love happiness; Send you a bouquet of carnations, let you warm warm; I wish you a happy birthday!

        32、正如玫瑰逗人喜愛,愿你的生日帶給你愉快,因為你是最可愛的妹妹,祝生日快樂! As the rose cute, I wish you a happy birthday, because you are the most lovely sister, I wish Happy birthday!

        33、長長的間隔,長長的線,長長的時間抹不斷,今天是你的生日,遠方的我一直在惦念著你,祝你生日快樂!我最關心的朋友! A long interval, long line, long time wipe constantly, today is your birthday, far away I have been thinking of you, I wish you a happy birthday! I care about most of friends!
