





1、Wish you a happy Lantern Festival and a happy family reunion!

2、元宵萬家團圓,愿你美事圓圓,快樂溜溜圓,笑容分外甜;好運圓溜溜,財源似水流;健康圓又圓,身體倍康健;幸福永圓圓,美好日子常相伴! Yuanxiao gathering, yuan yuan, I wish you a good happy walk round, smile is sweet; Good luck round, money like water flow; Round and round, health body times is healthy; And happiness, good day often go hand in hand!

3、圓圓的月亮紅紅的臉,淺淺的笑容彎彎的眼甜甜的湯圓幸福的年,火火的好運伴永遠!祝元宵節快樂! Round the moon was red face shallow smile curved eyes Sweet dumplings made of happiness fire fire the luck of the companion forever! I wish a happy Lantern Festival!

4、would like to send my love and wishes to you in the breeze. I wish you peace and happiness throughout your life.

5、fang yu could be a beacon multicolored lights, moving drag you happy heart lake r

6、wish you good fortune, good luck, no one can compare with mountains and rivers. Happy holidays!

7、Lanternround,monthlychildround,,blessyou:SweetSweetHoneyhappilyperfectlyhealthyforev er!

8、I wish the Lantern Festival a happy family and good luck.祝元宵節合家歡樂,吉祥如意。

9、yuanXiaoye,nightLanternFestival,everynightyuanxiaoyehappyyears,theannualfestival,annual celebrationyear,Iwishyouahappyholiday!

10、mydear,IamsorrywecannottogetherforLanternFestival,butIwillatthedin nertableforyouTimabowlandchopsticks,asyouli keatmyside. 元宵節又到了,還記得我們有猜燈謎做的同樣的興奮逛廟會?現在依然很忙, 人與人是不同的,遠方的你,可好蒼蠅?有 時間寫喲!

11、The moon, the Lantern, Yang Chen to your laughter, the fifteenth day of your songs reverberated stressed that the Rabbit Spring filling your lively, long time my heart Lianzhao your wonderful、

12、month circle by 15, black because of the bright moon night, day because of you, because of you in life, love is beautiful, because of you friends because of affection, holiday for blessing and happiness。

13、Laugh and laugh at the Lantern Festival night. May you make a lot of money every year and enjoy the Lantern Festival!

14、The annual good night is good, Shu Qi Hong Xi thousand family music, lanterns and spring flowers.

15、元宵節快樂!wishHappyLanternFestiva 元宵圓,月兒圓,團團許一個愿望。

16、Of course, the moon is round, happy Lantern Festival is in the world.

17、wish you a happy Lantern Festival, good health and all the best!


18、云可能是大片的的,雨是透明的,風是執著的,我對你是一個深刻的感覺,思 維是一個浪漫的,愛是永恒的,星星是輝煌 的,你是難忘的。

19、元宵佳節,天晴月圓。祝你手好運好心情好,月圓夢圓事事圓。 The Lantern Festival the weather is fine month circle I wish you good luck good mood the month circle everything circle.

20、Lantern Festival, bring happiness home, put happiness on your cheeks, wish you a happy life and health!

21、wish my heart lantern festival: kenneth legitimate life, numerous coins, do work not hard, carefree like mice, like romantic music, they dance!

22、Lantern Festival wish, bright mood, strong body, happy every day!

23、and a beautiful moon, and a Chinese Lantern Festival, a period of happiness and time once again sincere congratulations, I wish you: Troupe round! Sweet sweet honey! the smooth!

24、wish you a happy Lantern Festival, unlimited happiness!

25、On the Lantern Festival, I wish you disaster, dissipation and worry.

26、Happy Lantern Festival, how wonderful life is. Happy holidays!

27、wish you good luck and luck, happiness and happiness forever!

28、From then on, life is less lonely, family rejoice to celebrate reunion, friends and family get together, happy and happy. I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

29、Roundredmoonface,asmilecurvedshalloweyes;sweetglutinousriceballsandhappyyear,goodluc 精選公文范文管理資料 [鍵入文字] [鍵入文字] [鍵入文字] kwithfirefireforever!

30、May your life be complete, your career be smooth and prosperous, and your good fortune be continuous!

31、wish you a happy and happy Lantern Festival.


33、Yuanxiao sweet and sweet bring you sweetness, the Lantern Festival is round and round, everything goes smoothly. Wish happy Lantern Festival!

34、the moon, the lantern light with your laughter, the fifteenth day of the echoed with your tunes, new year new year filled with your busy, at this time my thoughts with you。


35、I wish you the Lantern Festival family reunion, friends gather to Valentine"s romance, dancing, vibrant, and sooner or later a smiling face and happy expression of the colorful festivals staged!祝你元宵節家人團圓,朋友歡聚,情人浪漫,手舞足蹈,動感十足,早晚笑臉,欣慰的表情上演節日的異彩紛呈!

36、Take a taste of the sweet Lantern Festival and live happily. Happy Lantern Festival!

37、Let's hope that everything goes well in the new year.

38、wish you all the best, everything goes smoothly and Happy Lantern Festival!

39、元宵節之際,祝你心中有首快樂的歌!The Lantern Festival, wishing you a song in your heart!

40、It's another good year. I wish you all the best. I wish you a happy Lantern Festival and happy every day!

41、肥藤藤,腳震震,買老豬肉去拜神,吃了豬肉變小快樂,看短信息的——祝你元宵吃嘛嘛香,工作愉快!Fat rattan cane, foot shock vibration, buy old pork to worship, to eat the pork small happy, see short message, wish you the lantern eat joss-stick, a happy work!

42、send a text message, back to a also a mao, mao and mao, add up to a lot of hair。 chicken -, bite the bullet again pull a hair, send to you, i wish you a happy lantern! only you, in others, i a clam!

43、祝元宵節快樂! 元宵佳節慶?;顒佣嗯c家人團聚多幸福,身體健康,家庭幸福,更有利可圖的, 每年都有更多的錢比運氣和良好的祝愿有 更多更多的!

44、在這個充滿喜悅的日子里,在長久的后,愿元宵節的燈火帶給你一份寧靜和喜悅,和我深深的!In the days full of joy,after a long absence,the Lantern Festival lights will bring you a peace and joy,and I deeply miss!

45、good evening, I wish you happiness forever. Happy Lantern Festival!

46、Happy Lantern Festival, family happiness, health, happiness!

47、元宵佳節給你啥?發送郵件文件夾的祝福。也許只有祝福的一種形式,但它帶來 一個溫暖的心臟給,所以我們認為分給對 方,如移動,就像祝福興趣:元宵節快樂!

48、元宵節,精細滿月。元宵節快 精選公文范文管理資料[鍵入文字] [鍵入文字] [鍵入文字] LanternFestivalsendyouabowlofsweetriceballs,willberounddreamofstartingabusiness,roundout thewarmspringandlove,ahappyfamilyreunionw asaround,roundtotheNewyearsplendidfortune!

49、元宵節,送花燈;健康燈,享太平;如意燈,好運逢;輝煌燈,事業成;富貴燈,生意興;幸福燈,天天明;感情燈,日日紅。元宵節,祝你萬事圓滿。 The Lantern Festival, send lanterns; Healthy light, quiet; The best light, good luck to meet; Brilliant light, career; Wealth lamp, good business; Happy light, the day dawn; Feelings light, and red for a day。 The Lantern Festival, I wish you everything well。

50、The Lantern Festival arrives, I wish you: spring breeze, spring rain and spring are always there, good flowers, good months, good year!
