1、正月十五吃湯圓,吃得家庭團圓,愛情甜蜜,生活飽滿!Eat dumplings on the 15th day of the first month, eat family reunion, love is sweet, life is full!
2、預祝同事們元宵節快樂,生活幸福美滿!I wish my colleagues a happy Lantern Festival and a happy life!
3、香甜元宵嘗一口,幸福生活身邊繞。祝元宵節快樂!Taste sweet Lantern Festival, happy life around. Happy Lantern Festival!
4、送你一盞彩燈給你,愿你事業順順利利。Send you a lantern to you, wish you a smooth career.
5、元宵佳節至,請受我一拜,愿你佳節吉祥愉快,紅包拿來!The Lantern Festival to, please accept my worship, I wish you a happy and auspicious festival, red envelope!
6、祝君美滿甜蜜圓,幸福生活年連年。元宵節快樂!I wish you a happy and happy life. Happy Lantern Festival!
7、祝:元宵快樂,合家逍遙,健康常伴,幸福駕到!Wish: Happy Lantern Festival, happy family, health often accompany, happy driving!
8、嚼一口甜蜜蜜的湯圓餡,讓你吉祥如意,生活美滿。Chew a sweet sweet dumpling stuffing, let you lucky, happy life.
9、愿你十五元宵鬧,美滿快樂幸福笑!Wish you 15 Lantern Festival, happy and happy smile!
10、祝你元宵節開心,幸??鞓匪嵬?!I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, happy and refreshing!
11、祝您和您的家人團團圓圓,生活美滿,萬事如意!I wish you and your family a happy and happy life!
12、過完大年過元宵,點起花燈慶豐年!祝元宵節快樂!After the lunar new year, Lantern Festival, light the Lantern Festival! Happy Lantern Festival!
13、愿你生活步步高,給你溫暖來報道。May your life step by step higher and give you warmth to report.
14、祝你元宵節快樂,好事甜甜,好夢圓圓。I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, good things sweet, good dream round.
15、祝你一年平安全家順,一生健康全家安,一路發財全家福!I wish you a year of peace, family Shun, a lifetime of health, family safety, all the way to wealth and family fortune!
16、正月十五好熱鬧,星光燦爛月亮笑。The fifteenth day of the first month is very lively, the stars are bright and the moon is smiling.
17、心情愉快朋友聚,歡天喜地祝福送。Happy mood, friends gather, happy blessing send.
18、衷心祝愿你快樂圓圓,開心圓圓,吉祥圓圓。I sincerely wish you happy circle, happy circle, auspicious circle.
19、親愛的朋友,元宵節快樂!Dear friends, happy Lantern Festival!
20、元宵節,衷心祝愿你萬事如意,前途看好。On the Lantern Festival, I sincerely wish you all the best and a bright future.
21、元宵節,放下那些不如意,用心享受團圓的驚喜!On the Lantern Festival, let go of those disappointments and enjoy the surprise of reunion!
22、元宵節之際,祝你心中有首快樂的歌,新年快樂!On the occasion of the Lantern Festival, I wish you a happy song in your heart and a happy New Year!
23、送你一碗湯圓,祝你事事圓圓,元宵節快樂!Send you a bowl of dumplings, I wish you all round, happy Lantern Festival!
24、集美們元宵節快樂,事事圓滿,好事連連。Jimei people happy Lantern Festival, everything is perfect, good things.
25、祝福元宵節快樂,希望你一切都好!Wish you a happy Lantern Festival. I hope you are all right!
26、祝元宵快樂,新一年工作和生活雙輝煌。I wish you a happy Lantern Festival and brilliant work and life in the new year.
27、元宵個頭圓又圓,祝你生活比蜜甜。Yuanxiao is round and round. I wish you a sweet life.
28、真誠的祝愿延續至今,祝愿你元宵節快樂!Wish you a happy Lantern Festival!
29、元宵許愿:生活溫暖順心,其它別無所求。Yuanxiao wish: life is warm and comfortable, and nothing else.
30、元宵節到了,愿你快樂不停!The Lantern Festival is coming. May you be happy!
31、祝你全家團圓幸福多,年年吉祥如意多,歲歲平安多好事!I wish you a happy family reunion, good luck every year, peace and happiness!
32、送您黑芝麻湯圓,祝您新的一年,生活芝麻開花節節高!I'd like to send you black sesame dumplings. I wish you a new year and a prosperous life!
33、祝:團團圓圓!甜甜蜜蜜!順順利利!健健康康!Wish you a happy reunion! sweet and happy! Good luck! healthy!
34、賞明月,觀花燈,今宵花好月圓。Enjoy the bright moon, watch the lantern, and enjoy the full moon tonight.
35、親朋好友話桑梓,濃情蜜意在元宵!Friends and family talk about mulberry, deep love in the Lantern Festival!
36、元宵佳節,愿你福相伴,樂逍遙!The Lantern Festival, I wish you happiness and happiness!
37、十五的元宵圓又圓,生活幸福比蜜甜。The Lantern Festival of 15 is round and round, and life is more happy than honey.
38、祝好運滔滔,幸福綿綿,事事成功,元宵快樂!I wish you good luck, happiness, success and happy Lantern Festival!
39、過年好,元宵到,順順利利全家好。Happy new year, Lantern Festival to, Shun Li, the whole family.
40、祝你佳節福滿身,好運和你不離分,萬事如意永開心。I wish you a happy holiday, good luck and you, all the best and always happy.
41、元月十五賞月忙,賞了圓月幸福長。On the fifteenth day of January, the moon is busy, and the full moon is happy.
42、元宵佳節來臨之際,在微信中祝你幸福圓滿!On the eve of the Lantern Festival, I wish you happiness in wechat!
43、愿您合家團圓,歡笑滿顏,新年才開始,好日子才開始!I wish you a happy family reunion and a happy New Year!
44、祝君甜蜜開心笑,全家團圓過元宵。I wish you a sweet and happy smile and a happy family reunion.
45、紅豆餡,祝你紅紅火火日子好。Red bean stuffing, I wish you a good day.
46、鼠年到了,愿你的人生幸福甜蜜,快樂智慧。祝你元宵快樂!The year of the rat is coming. May your life be happy, sweet and wise. I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!
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